Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Quill and Ink Book Tours Presents: Amulet - Heart's True Desire Book 1 by Kathryn Amurra


Heart's True Desire Book 1


Kathryn Amurra

General Information:

Title: Amulet

Author:  Kathryn Amurra

Series Info:  Book 1 - Heart’s True Desire series

Genre:  Contemporary Romance with Mystical Elements / Paranormal Romance

Time and setting:  Present day, Southeastern U.S. & Israel

Publisher:  The Wild Rose Press

Publication Date:  April 3, 2024


Intelligent, charismatic, and successful, Val Nikolov has achieved everything he’s ever wanted, thanks to a wish made on his grandmother’s magical amulet. 

Alex Weaver, however, can’t seem to get her life in order. As a temp-agency lawyer helping Val’s company prepare to be acquired, Alex has no hope that she will ever land a full-time job as an attorney (or convince her boyfriend to marry her). 

When one of Val’s key engineers abruptly departs, the acquisition is suddenly at risk. Hoping to salvage the deal, Val asks Alex to travel with him to Israel for a meeting with the decision-makers. The more time Val and Alex spend together, however, the more they question the things they thought were most important in their lives. Soon, they find themselves at a crossroads, having to choose between the lives they’ve always wished for and their hearts’ true desire.


Val opened the passenger side door for her, silently grateful for having just cleaned the interior.

Thanking him, Alex got into the front seat. He couldn’t help noticing as Alex’s coat parted at the bottom and her skirt slid a couple of inches up her thighs in the process.

He shut the door before she could realize where his eyes and thoughts had been and went around to the driver’s side.

“I’ll try not to breathe too much on the short ride over to your parking lot,” he said, starting the car. “I’d hate it if I got you sick.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ve got a pretty robust immune system. Plus, if I’m choosing between catching a cold and dying in a fiery car crash because you held your breath and passed out, I think I’d choose the former.”

Val laughed. “It’s always good to put things into perspective.”

He reached over to the stick shift and put the car in reverse. It was only after grasping the shifter that he sensed how close his hand was to Alex’s left knee. Indulging himself, Val glanced at her face in profile as he turned his body to look behind them and backed out of the parking spot. She was looking down at her lap and trying to adjust her coat.

Val shifted again, driving toward the exit. Alex was quiet, and he hoped she wasn’t uncomfortable sitting next to him. After their dinner and a pleasant conversation, she couldn’t possibly be worried that he was trying to put the moves on her, could she?

“We’ll have to see about getting you a parking spot in the building. I’ll talk to Judy about it tomorrow.”

Alex looked over at him. “That’s really nice of you, but I can’t afford to park here. It’s more than twice as expensive as the lot I’m in right now, and I can hardly afford that.”

Val knew that contract attorneys made less than in-house counsel or attorneys in big law firms, but he was curious how much less. “What are they paying you at Advance Legal?”

“Thirty dollars an hour.”

He was quiet for a moment. “They’re making a killing on you, you know. I should have hired you directly—you could have made more money, and I could have spent less money. Anyway, don’t worry about the cost. The company will pay for your parking.”

The unexpected offer had her eyes widening in surprise. “I can’t ask you to do that!”

“You’re not. It’s a business decision that I’m making. Look, it’s going to be crazy the next few weeks with this deal. I might need you to come in extra early on some days and stay late on others. And the days are short this time of year. I can’t be worrying about the seven-block walk you have to make to your car in the dark every night.”

Alex pressed her lips into a straight line, and even relying only on peripheral vision, Val could tell she was skeptical. “So, you’re saying I’d be doing you a favor by allowing the company to pay exorbitant amounts of money for me to park in the building.”

He could hear the smile in her voice as she said the words, and he wished he could take his eyes off the road for more than just a moment to see it.

“Yes, that’s exactly right.”

Sighing, Alex relented. “All right, then. I’ll do it. For the company.”

He laughed. “You might just get employee of the month at this rate.”


Praise for Amulet:

“Kathryn Amurra’s Amulet is an absorbing tale of re-evaluating what’s important in life, of choices between what one has always wished for versus one’s true heart’s desires, and discovering that magic comes in many forms. Thoroughly enjoyed this enchanting story!”

—Joy Allyson, Author of Whiskey Love (Published by The Wild Rose Press)

“I loved it! I was speed-reading near the end—so anxious to see how the romance worked out! What a great ending! I look forward to more in this series.”

—Kel O’Connor, Author of The DAG Series

“For anyone who loves clean, contemporary romance with a hint of magic! Kathryn Amurra writes a story that will appeal to readers who enjoy contemporary romance combined with just the right dash of magic to their stories! She spins an engaging tale of a family heirloom that grants whoever possesses it their greatest wish.”

—Leanne Davis, Author of the River’s End Series


This was such a sweet romance and I loved the slow build-up to the romance between Alex and Val, it wasn't an instantaneous jump-in-bed type of read. I enjoy Alex's character she's sweet but very gutsy and gives her all. At times she stifles herself but soon her real personality blossoms when she's with Val on the trip to Israel and you can't help but fall in love with her and want the best for her. Val is another character I love, he is a very determined go-getter and highly successful. You'd think he'd be one of those super snobbish CEO but he's not, he's so down-to-earth and very humble. That is due to his sweet grandmother who gave him the amulet with its magical powers. I really liked her character too. I really felt for these two characters and all the way through I wanted their blossoming love to become something deep. If you love a cozy sweet romance with some laughs and magic thrown in, then this is the book for you! 

Author Bio:

Kathryn Amurra is the author of sweet and sensual love stories. Her debut series, Soothsayer's Path, is a historical romance series of standalone books set in Ancient Rome around 115 CE. Her new series, Heart’s True Desire, is a paranormal romance series of standalone books published through The Wild Rose Press. Kathryn has been making up stories for as long as she can remember and writing since grade school. Against the advice of her 12th grade English teacher, she studied Mechanical Engineering in college, then worked as an Engineer for a few years. After finding and marrying her own hero, she and her hubby went to law school together. They currently live in North Carolina with their three girls.


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Kathryn is offering Three eBook Copies of Amulet to Three Lucky Winners!

The giveaway is open internationally.

Runs from 12:00 AM EST on July 15 to 12:00 AM EST on August 3, 2024.


Hosted By:

 Quill and Ink Book Tours


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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Book Blitz ~ A Governess Should Never... Lure A Spy - The Governess Chronicles: Book 4 by Emily Windsor #emwindsor #quillinkbooktours #quillandinkbooktours #quill_ink_tours


 A Governess Should Never… Lure a Spy

(The Governess Chronicles – Book 4)


Emily Windsor


A Dangerous Spy. An even more Dangerous Governess.



“So tell me, Miss Jones, why should I employ you as governess?”

A question to rouse fear within the breast of any prospective governess, unless…she wasn’t a governess at all.

Yet Amelia must secure this position by whatever means necessary as this gentleman, dubbed The Scandalous Hugh Cadwalader by fashionable society, is not all he seems. Behind the elegant finery and azure eyes is a dangerous warrior of a man, a tenacious spy for the Crown.

One who might just have turned traitor…


“Just one more question, if I may…”

With her perfect references and perfect demureness, Miss Jones appears…perfect.

Feminine guidance and distraction are required for his inquisitive ward while Hugh Cadwalader hunts a traitor in the alleys of London’s Rookery.

But can such perfection be all it seems? And was that a glimpse of golden fire within those amber eyes?


The Dangerous Spy and… The More Dangerous Governess.

One should never judge a governess by her perfectly forged references or a spy by his unblemished Hessian boots, for behind both facades lay passion untamed, subterfuge unbound and a quest for justice.

A battle of wits with only one winner… Love.


With theatres of glister and glamour, nights of shadow and menace, hairpins of poison, and…being pressed to a desk by a shirtless masculine chest, the vocation of governess has never been so perilous – to the heart.


The Scandalous Hugh Cadwalader first features in Book 2 of this series, A Governess Should Never... Deny a Duke. This is his story.



Purchase Links:

Available in e-book and paperback.

Amazon US

Amazon UK


Add to Goodreads


About the Author:

Regency Romance with Warmth, Wit & Well-tied Cravats.

Emily grew up in the north of England on a diet of historical romance and strong tea.

Unfortunately, you couldn’t study Regency slang, so she did the next best thing and gained a degree in Classics and History instead. This ‘led’ to an eight-year stint in engineering.

Having left city life, she now lives in a dilapidated farmhouse where her days are spent writing, fixing the leaky roof, battling the endless vegetation and finding pictures of well-tied cravats.


More about me can be found at:



Hosted By:

Quill and Ink Book Tours


Join our team and become a Tour Host


Monday, April 29, 2024

Quill and Ink Book Tours Presents: A Governess Should Never... Lure A Spy - The Governess Chronicles: Book 4 by Emily Windsor



A Governess Should Never… Lure a Spy

(The Governess Chronicles – Book 4)

Emily Windsor

Genre: Regency Romance

Release Date: Thursday, 11th April 2024

Heat Level: Sensual. Moderate. Open door but romantic.


Notes: This book is written in British English spelling.


A Dangerous Spy. An even more Dangerous Governess. 


“So tell me, Miss Jones, why should I employ you as governess?”

A question to rouse fear within the breast of any prospective governess, unless…she wasn’t a governess at all.

Yet Amelia must secure this position by whatever means necessary as this gentleman, dubbed The Scandalous Hugh Cadwalader by fashionable society, is not all he seems. Behind the elegant finery and azure eyes is a dangerous warrior of a man, a tenacious spy for the Crown.

One who might just have turned traitor…


“Just one more question, if I may…”

With her perfect references and perfect demureness, Miss Jones appears…perfect.

Feminine guidance and distraction are required for his inquisitive ward while Hugh Cadwalader hunts a traitor in the alleys of London’s Rookery.

But can such perfection be all it seems? And was that a glimpse of golden fire within those amber eyes?


The Dangerous Spy and… The More Dangerous Governess.

One should never judge a governess by her perfectly forged references or a spy by his unblemished Hessian boots, for behind both facades lay passion untamed, subterfuge unbound and a quest for justice.

A battle of wits with only one winner… Love.


With theatres of glister and glamour, nights of shadow and menace, hairpins of poison, and…being pressed to a desk by a shirtless masculine chest, the vocation of governess has never been so perilous – to the heart.


The Scandalous Hugh Cadwalader first features in Book 2 of this series, A Governess Should Never... Deny a Duke. This is his story.

Contains sensual scenes.

Purchase Links:

Available in e-book and paperback.

Amazon US

Amazon UK


Get The Governess Chronicles Series

A Governess Should Never… Tempt A Prizefighter – Book 1

A Governess Should Never… Deny A Duke – Book 2

A Gentleman Will Never… Forget A Lady – Book 3


No. 14 Hanover Square, Mayfair, London. May 1817


“So tell me, Miss Jones, why should I employ you as governess?”

Curse it.

And Amelia lowered her gaze to the mahogany desk in order to portray thoughtful repose.

What a devious question.

Especially as there were countless reasons why the gentleman should, in fact, not employ her as governess.

She’d never educated a young lady in her entire twenty-four years of life, knew naught concerning the history of art, cared less about the proper use of semicolons, was quite hopeless at all musical endeavours and hadn’t the faintest idea what…tatting was.

Yet how arduous could it be to keep a fifteen-year-old girl occupied?

Just give her a book to read, surely?

So, with a surreptitious intake of breath, Amelia clasped her hands in what she judged to be a suitably demure fashion and raised her lashes to the gentleman who prodded her so.

A Mr Hugh Cadwalader.

His lustrous blue gaze caused that intake of breath to hitch somewhat, so she pursed her lips in a prim manner and sniffed. Governesses always sniffed. But as to his question… “I am well-versed, Mr Cadwalader, in all subjects that a young lady might have need of during her Season.”

Such as how to evade a marriage-obsessed mama at a ball, the varied usages for a yard length of silk sash and the extrication of oneself from the clutches of a lascivious duke with merely a dance card pencil.

“I see.”

Amelia thought that reply most enigmatic. “You have my references?”

“Yes,” he drawled, gathering the papers before him. “My man of affairs has attempted to verify these references, yet it seems your past employers are either not of the living or not currently residing within these isles.” With agile slender fingers, he leafed through them. “Lord Fowler is pursuing parakeets in the Amazonia, Lady Bassett is sifting through sand dunes in the former Mesopotamia, Lady Clifford is scouring Constantinople for the Ark and Lady Padgett is scouring Paris for her errant husband.”

Amelia held his gaze. “How unfortunate.” And tilted her head. “But if you find me acceptable on all other counts, might I suggest a period of probation until my references can be verified?”

That should give her enough time to search this townhouse, question the servants, note Mr Cadwalader’s movements and read any of his pertinent correspondence, all in order to write a comprehensive report for her superior at the Foreign Office.

For Amelia’s talents lay not in punctuation or musical endeavours but in subterfuge for the Crown…


About the Author

Regency Romance with Warmth, Wit & Well-tied Cravats.

Emily grew up in the north of England on a diet of historical romance and strong tea.

Unfortunately, you couldn’t study Regency slang, so she did the next best thing and gained a degree in Classics and History instead. This ‘led’ to an eight-year stint in engineering.

Having left city life, she now lives in a dilapidated farmhouse where her days are spent writing, fixing the leaky roof, battling the endless vegetation and finding pictures of well-tied cravats.


More about me can be found at:



Guest Post:

Hanover Square, Mayfair


The Scandalous Hugh Cadwalader, hero of ‘A Governess Should Never… Lure a Spy’, lives in one of the most fashionable parts of Mayfair – Hanover Square. It covers some 4 acres, with the central garden enclosed by iron railings, and was made more famous by its proximity to St George’s Church where many an aristocratic Ton wedding took place (in fiction and in history!)


The development of the Square began in 1714, just after the accession of King George I who was also Elector of Hanover, and hence the title bequeathed to the Square.

Only a few of the original houses remain intact as most were demolished and rebuilt as offices but there are photos of gorgeous No. 16 and No. 20!


St George’s Church is a mere 100m south. When I got to visit a few years ago, I couldn’t resist taking the photo below – trying for the exact same position of the engraving from 1787. I loved the old church but the narrowness of the street and all the cars overwhelmed it somewhat!

Work on the foundations began in 1721 and apparently there were constant complaints from the inhabitants of Hanover Square about all the building materials stacked in their Square – nothing changes!!

So if you enjoy a romantic tale set in Regency London with a dangerous spy and a more dangerous governess, check out ‘A Governess Should Never… Lure a Spy.’



Emily is offering a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card.

The giveaway is open internationally.

Runs from 12:00 AM EST April 10 – 12:00 AM EST May 3, 2024


Hosted By:

Quill and Ink Book Tours

Join our team and become a Tour Host



Quill and Ink Book Tours Presents: Amulet - Heart's True Desire Book 1 by Kathryn Amurra

Amulet Heart's True Desire Book 1 By Kathryn Amurra General Information: Title: Amulet Author:  Kathryn Amurra Series In...